Hospitality Takes Action Part 3
Wow, so far this week you have been encouraged to send a note and make a phone call. Today we are going to step it up a notch in our degree of action. What do you think about the action of service?
Some people’s love language is acts of service, so when we do something for someone that has this love language then it translates into hospitality. Do you know a neighbor or a co-worker that needs a little help? Have you heard your neighbor say that they would love to have a patio plant but just don’t the time or energy to do that small task? Maybe a co-worker’s home life is so busy that they are running out each day at work for lunch and eating out when they would rather just sit and eat a good lunch that you have made for them while sharing some laughs with you in the break room or the picnic table outside?
The suggestions above are just two ideas of ways you can serve your friends, neighbors or family members with the act of service that translates into hospitality. Find that special someone today and plan a way to serve them.
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